Joe Donnelly Design
Affordable Freelance Graphic, Logo, Print and Web Design Services
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About Joe Donnelly Design
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In an effort to create a smooth and productive working relationship with every client, Joe Donnelly Design pledges to:

  • Always act in the best interests of the client and the client’s business.
  • Always work with contracts for the mutual protection of ourselves and our clients, abide by said contracts, and never unreasonably withdraw services.
  • Always engage in ethical business practices, which include maintaining honest and forthright communications with clients, avoiding hidden fees or costs.
  • Always document all agreements with clients and keep accurate records.
  • Always protect the privacy and rights of clients by never inappropriately disclosing information about a client’s business, and avoiding conflicts of interest.
  • Always represent ourselves and our skills accurately and professionally.
  • Always promote client education of best practices in the areas of design and/or marketing.

Joe Donnelly Design also endeavors to maintain the highest level of integrity in our profession, and promote the value and legitimacy of design and marketing by:

  • Never working on speculation or for the promise of future payments or work.
  • Never knowingly infringing upon copyrights or trademarks or plagiarizing the works of others.
  • Never creating work that disregards the health and safety of the community, or is blatantly discriminatory or offensive.
  • Never using work for the purpose of self-promotion without the knowledge and consent of clients.
  • Never reselling or repurposing finished works to other clients.
  • Never sacrificing design quality or integrity, no matter how small the project.
  • Never misrepresenting involvement or failing to attribute proper credit for collaborative or work-for-hire projects.
  • Never using unattributed/unaccredited text, articles or other materials the designer did not create for the purpose of self-promotion or self-marketing.
  • Never allowing skills and knowledge of the industry to stagnate or fail to evolve.

Furthermore, we make the following promises for every project:

  • We strive for excellence in branding, aesthetic design, and visual communication, with the goal of improving the business of every client.
  • We strive for excellence in the quality of every project, so that they are free of mistakes and technically sound in order to achieve efficient production.
  • We strive for excellence in communication with every client and production contact so that every step of the project flows smoothly.
  • We strive for excellence in customer satisfaction, by guaranteeing our work with a 100% unconditional full money-back guarantee should our clients not be fully satisfied with our work.
Want to know more? Click here to find out why Joe Donnelly Design is different from the vast majority of other freelance designers.